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        We are
"Deep Res Studio"



Our Deep Res[olution]

Deep Res Studio's goal is to create and deliver Meaningful Videogames Experiences that aim at Leaving a [Positive] Mark on our Players.

We do that by Res
[earching] our mundane World's Ideas, History, Feelings and Knowledge.
We then Res
[hape] those Concepts and Transform them in order to create new features for our Games seen from a new interesting point of view and with a twist of entertainment and put them at test. 
We reinforce our Products and Experiences with deeply explored mechanics, thematically mature narrative and high quality visuals to obtain our goals.


Our Deep Res[orcefulness]

Our Team can count on teammates and collaborations with amazing talents - both artistically and technically speaking - that together will handle the adversities in front of us and between our Product's Deliver, since Passion is what move our hands and therefore our Work.

At the moment, We are developing a Demo for our game
[Breathless] to convey and show our ideas and efforts to Res[onate] with our public, future investors and - foremost  and always - our Players.

We will be updating our social pages and contents over time and we say "Thanks!" in advance to all of our Supporters.


Contact Us

If you want to show us your support or have a question that we can Res[pond], contact us at:

Follow us!

Work with Us

If you have an interest in working with us, contact us at: 
In this e-mail, You are required to refer and state: your identity, the position you are searching within our team and a small presentation of yourself and of your work.

E-mail Rules:

  1. We won't accept or open any file .exe or anything that requests accesses or installations.

  2. We won't click suspicious links from complete strangers/anonymous and that may give access to unverified/unknown web pages.

  3. We won't accept candidacies from anonimous candidates and/or without at least some proof of their previous work, portfolio related to the field of the position and/or other educational experiences.

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